Insure yourself for the full travel period, from departure from Latvia until your return. You cannot buy a policy that only covers specific days, such as those spent at a resort or ski destination.
Purchase travel insurance early to ensure trip cancellation coverage is effective in case you need to cancel the trip.
Choose a policy that suits your travel plans – pay attention to the coverage area and any planned recreational, sports, or transit activities. If you plan to engage in winter sports, select a “Winter Trip” insurance program, which includes additional coverage specific to these activities.
If plans change during your trip and you decide to participate in extreme activities, purchase additional coverage for those days to include the desired activity.
If planning a cruise, consider adding “Missed Connection” coverage.
What should you do to ensure a worry-free trip?
Check the validity of your required travel documents, which often need to be valid for at least six months. Within the European Union (EU), Latvian citizens can travel with either a passport or an ID card, but a passport is mandatory for travel outside the EU. Non-citizens can only travel with a passport. For more detailed information, consult relevant sources. If a visa is required for entry, ensure it is arranged in advance.
Download the “Ceļo droši” mobile app, which provides travel information and emergency contact numbers.
When planning your trip, familiarize yourself with the local customs, laws, and regulations, and take into account the climate conditions expected during your travel.
Check what items are allowed and prohibited for import and export in the country you're visiting. For instance, electronic cigarettes are banned in some Asian countries.
For flights with layovers, plan at least a 2-hour connection (optimally 3–4 hours) to comfortably make your next flight without unnecessary stress.
If planning to travel by car, ensure it is in good technical condition and has appropriate insurance that covers roadside assistance expenses.
If you’re renting a car, consider adding “Rental Car” coverage to your travel insurance policy to cover deductible and damage costs not included in standard rental insurance. • In the event your baggage is lost or damaged during the trip, make sure to report it to the airport’s “Lost & Found Office” and obtain a document confirming the loss or damage.