Travel insurance

Currently, a state of emergency has been declared in Ukraine in connection with the large-scale Russian military aggression against Ukraine. This is to draw your attention to the fact that travel insurance policies of BALTA, like other insurers, are not valid in territories where invasion or active hostilities are taking place.

Estonian citizens are recommended to leave Ukraine immediately. Current information can be found on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia.

To make your trip unforgettable, choose a travel insurance programme according to the purpose of your trip:

  • Standard
    Choose one of the standard programmes if you are planning a peaceful holiday by the sea or if you are looking for diving or rafting adventures. Within the framework of the Platinum programme, you will receive indemnity for medical expenses both in foreign countries as well as in Latvia, indemnity for theft of money or luggage, translation services, flight cancellation due to natural disasters, refusal of a seat on the plane and even replacement transport if your flight is delayed, but you have to make it to a cruise or some other important event.
  • Winter sports
    The winter sports programme will be the right choice if you plan to do mountain skiing, snowboarding, ice hockey, biathlon speed skating, figure skating, short track or ride a snowmobile during your trip. Within the framework of the Gold programme, we will also cover losses if the ski track is closed due to thaw or snowfall.
  • Extreme sports
    This insurance programme is made for you if you are a fan of extreme sports and plan to kitesurf, run a marathon, engage in motor sports, combat sports or other particularly high-risk sports activities during your trip. By purchasing additional coverage, you will be protected during the competition as well.
  • Student
    Do you plan to study abroad? Choose a student programme. Your civil liability, documents, luggage and the risk of accidents will also be insured as part of it.
  • Seniors
    If you are a traveller over 75 years of age, choose one of the senior programmes or, when travelling by plane - Senior (avio). Within the framework of the programme, we will also indemnify losses for damage or loss of luggage, flight delay, renewal of travel documents, etc.

BALTA recommends - do not forget about EHIC!

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) gives Estonian citizens the opportunity to receive state-guaranteed emergency medical care in the European Union member states, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland and the Swiss Confederation, by paying the patient contribution determined in the respective country. If you have an EHIC, BALTA will reimburse the expenses for the patient's contribution.

BALTA Travel Insurance will help you forget any troubles you might have faced on your travels, leaving nothing but pleasure in your memories.

  • If you had an accident while being abroad, call the BALTA Help Desk on +371 67 500 174 (24 hours a day), and our experts will be there to consult you in English or Russian.
  • If you came back from abroad and wish to apply for insurance indemnity, call BALTA on +371 67 500 174. No need to undergo a lengthy and complex application process to get your insurance indemnity – it is just a phone call away

BALTA - Your safest travel companion during the spread of Covid-19!

During the spread of Covid-19, BALTA takes care of the safety of travellers by continuing to provide the opportunity to purchase travel insurance with Covid-19 risk coverage!

What does it entail?

in the Covid-19 coverage:

Trip cancellation or interruption**, if this risk is included in the policy, provides additional compensation in the following cases:

  • for trip cancellation (hotels, tickets, waybills), if the customer falls ill before the start of the trip and the treatment partially or completely overlaps with the Travel period, provided that the policy is drawn up at least 120 hours before the start of the planned trip and that the Covid-19 test was performed not earlier than 72 hours after the conclusion of the policy;

  • if due to a health condition (for example, in the case of high temperature or other possible symptoms of Covid-19) the customer is not allowed on the plane, ferry or bus or entry into the country is denied, then we will indemnify the expenses for the cancellation of the trip (applies to Gold and Platinum programmes);

  • we will pay the expenses of staying in quarantine while abroad (up to EUR 50/75/100 per day***) and transport to return home - in the case if the customer is placed in quarantine in the case of a positive Covid-19 test or after contact with an infected person.

We will pay for medical assistance* in cases where it is not provided by the relevant country, not covered by the EVAK card or any other organisation (airline, hotel, etc.). Outpatient and inpatient care is paid in the following amount:

  • For Silver, Gold and Platinum programmes – within the framework of the full sum insured

  • For the Bronze programme - EUR 5,000

Payment of medical transport or repatriation expenses* to bring you to Estonia.

We will indemnify the expenses incurred to take your child home* if he/she is left without adult supervision.

BALTA will only indemnify the costs of trip cancellation (if the person is in Estonia and the planned trip cannot take place) in cases where the customer or the insured person has to observe isolation due to illness with Covid-19, the period of which partially or completely overlaps with the Travel time, in the following situations:

  • if the customer or the customer's only travel companion, with whom it is planned to go on the Trip and for whom a joint BALTA policy has been purchased, falls ill with Covid-19 and therefore the trip should be cancelled;
  • if the minor child of the customer, who is not insured with the BALTA insurance policy, has fallen ill with Covid-19;
  • if the customer’s family member, who is not insured with the BALTA insurance policy, falls ill with Covid-19 (inpatient treatment is required).

Please note that the cancellation of BALTA trips does not provide compensation in cases where the customer (insured person) has not fallen ill with Covid-19, but should stay in quarantine (as a contact person)!

Recommendations for you before purchasing travel insurance:

  • Check the entry conditions of the specific country on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
  • if the minor child of the customer, who is not insured with the BALTA insurance policy, has fallen ill with Covid-19;
  • if the customer’s family member, who is not insured with the BALTA insurance policy, falls ill with Covid-19 (inpatient treatment is required).

Please keep in mind!

  • For a person who does not have the right to receive an EHIC card issued in the Republic of Estonia (non-residents and residents who pay taxes abroad), the insurance compensation for medical expenses* shall not exceed EUR 5,000 during the entire validity period of the contract for the Silver programme, EUR 10,000 - for the Gold programme and EUR 15,000 - for the Platinum programme.
  • Covid-19 insurance is not valid in the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, unless the trip begins on the 15th day or later after completing a full course of vaccinations, including receiving a booster vaccine, or if you become ill with Covid-19 within 3 months prior to the start date of the trip and you can present a negative PCR test after recovery.
  • Full information on the included risks and conditions is reflected in the special conditions of the policy.

BALTA shall not cover the expenses of self-isolation after return from the trip, staying in quarantine before free movement in the territory of the country of travel and expenses related to the mandatory test to be performed to return to the home country or to enter another country.

BALTA's Covid-19 cover does not cover travel cancellation expenses if the person has not been diagnosed and laboratory-proven as having Covid-19 before the trip.
If you have been sick with COVID-19 less than 30 days before the start of the trip, then the insurance risk “Cancellation, interruption of the trip” is only valid under the condition that before the conclusion of the insurance contract you have performed a PCR test which gave a negative result and confirms your recovery from the last Covid-19 infection.

* The insurance limit for the risks “Medical expenses”, “Patient repatriation”, “Child evacuation”, “Medical transport” and “Repatriation in case of death” in connection with Covid-19 is indicated as a total limit according to the type of selected programme.
** The included limits “Cancellation, interruption of trips” coincide with the risk limit specified in the policy and are paid to each insured person.
*** Silver programme – EUR 50 per day, Gold programme – EUR 75 per day, Platinum programme – EUR 100 per day.

Testing for coronavirus -20% with travel insurance policy

We are happy to announce that all of our clients who have acquired a travel policy with BALTA can now get a 20% discount on a PCR test in any CONFIDO medical enterprise office. The discount code is BALTA.

To get a discount, go to the website and select the coronavirus testing service.

Having selected the test option, you need to choose a convenient time and place for the test.

Then enter the promo code BALTA to get a discount.

Pay for the test with a discount and come to your chosen place and time to be tested!

We wish you a great trip!

Sazinies ar mums

Klientu apkalpošanas vietas un sadarbības autoservisi

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Uz atsauksmi atbildēsim pēc iespējas ātrāk, bet ne ilgāk kā 20 dienu laikā. Informācija par citiem saziņas veidiem un atsauksmju apstrādi atrodama šeit.

  • Karte Saraksts

    Sazinies ar mums izmantojot WhatsApp, darba dienās no 8:00 – 18:00.

    Spied šeit vai pievieno tālruņa numuru +371 275 222 75 saviem kontaktiem.

    Palīdzība uz ceļa

    Sniegsim atbalstu, ja Jūsu auto nepieciešama tehniskā palīdzība uz ceļa vai evakuācija.
    Ja noticis negadījums, izsauciet palīdzību uz ceļa spiežot šeit. Palīdzību uz ceļa vēl joprojām varēsiet pieteikt arī zvanot 675 333 75.

    Palīdzība mājās

    Sniegsim atbalstu avārijas situācijās! Izsauc “Palīdzību mājās”, lai saņemtu sertificētu meistaru palīdzību.
    Ja noticis negadījums, izsauciet palīdzību zvanot 675 333 75.

    Ceļotājiem ārzemēs

    Sniegsim atbalstu, ja nepieciešama medicīniskās palīdzības vai repatriācijas organizēšana ceļojuma laikā.
    Ja noticis negadījums, izsauciet palīdzību zvanot 675 001 74.